FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jim Adams Borland International (408) 439-1880 Tami Casey Borland International (408) 439-1619 BORLAND SHIPS C++ COMPILER Delivers Object-Oriented Technology to PC Programmers SANTA CLARA, Calif -- May 14, 1990 -- Borland International, Inc. (NASDAQ: BORL) today announced the availability of Turbo C++ Professional, a new development environment that lets programmers add object-oriented programming to their skill set and more effectively tackle today's complex programming projects. Turbo C++ Professional offers complete support of AT&T's C++ 2.0 specification as well as full compatibility with ANSI C. Turbo TM C++ also includes the Programmer's Platform , a new development TM environment, and Borland's VROOMM memory manager. "Turbo C++ opens the world of object-oriented technology to programmers while maintaining the performance and efficiency of C," said Philippe Kahn, Borland's chairman, president and CEO. "And VROOMM lets programmers break through the 640K memory barrier in their own programs." Easy Migration to C++ To increase their productivity, many programmers are adopting object-oriented programming with C++. Borland's Turbo C++ Professional supports both ANSI C and AT&T C++ allowing programmers to move to C++ at their own pace. The New Programmer's Platform With the introduction of Turbo C++ Professional, Borland breaks new ground in programming environments. The new Programmer's Platform eases and speeds program development with a new user interface, featuring an open architecture. (more) BORLAND SHIPS TURBO C++ Page 2 of 4 Programmers benefit from using overlapping windows and mouse support, a new multi-file editor, dialog boxes, an intelligent Project Manager, context-sensitive hypertext help and Borland's integrated debugger. In addition, the transfer option opens the architecture of the programming environment allowing the integration of other tools and compilers into the Programmer's Platform, including programs sold by third party developers. VROOMM for Programmers Borland's VROOMM (Virtual Run-time Object-Oriented Memory Manager) lets programmers break through the 640K memory barrier. This overlay memory manager enables applications to use EMS, extended memory or disk swap space to create larger executable programs. VROOMM eliminates the complexity associated with traditional methods of managing overlays by determining which program modules must be held in memory at what time. With VROOMM, memory management is completely transparent. Essential Programmer's Tools Turbo C++ Professional includes Turbo C++, Turbo Debugger, the new Turbo Profiler and Turbo Assembler: Turbo Debugger can debug programs of virtually any size, view class hierarchies, inspect objects, undo executed instructions and supports a new point-and-shoot mouse interface. The C++ hierarchy browser handles multiple inheritance. Turbo Debugger allows you to debug programs of any size with the new TM Turbo Drive 286 protected mode, 386 virtual mode and remote debugging. Turbo Profiler, the world's first interactive profiler, enables programmers to measure a program's performance and spot performance bottlenecks. It provides a histogram of time-critical statistics including how often each line is called, how much time is spent in each routine and how system resources are being used. Turbo Assembler is a multi-pass assembler that generates highly optimized code, supports 486 instructions and offers a high level language interface for easy integration with C++, C and Pascal. Turbo Assembler is also compatible with all versions of MASM. (more) BORLAND SHIPS TURBO C++ Page 3 of 4 Documentation and Tutorials Turbo C++ includes four comprehensive manuals and on-line hypertext help. The Getting Started manual includes installation guidelines, an overview of the Programmer's Platform and hands-on tutorials for learning C++ and C. The User's Guide contains in- depth information on use of Turbo C++. The Programmer's Guide offers technical information on Turbo C++ and programming for the IBM PC and Intel 80x86 architecture, plus a functional cross reference to the Library Reference manual. The latter documents all functions and global variables in Turbo C++ and provides examples for most RTL functions. Turbo C++ also includes TCTOUR, an on-line Computer-Based Training system, which familiarizes new users with the Programmer's Platform. Turbo C++ Professional comes with the above manuals and five additional manuals: Turbo Debugger User's Guide, Turbo Profiler User's Guide, Turbo Assembler User's Guide, Turbo Assembler Reference Guide and Turbo Assembler Quick Reference. Availability and Price Turbo C++ is available for IBM PC/XT/AT and PS/2 computers and 100% compatible systems with 640K RAM (512K for command-line compiler), a hard disk and DOS 2.0 or later. Turbo C++ has a suggested retail price of $199.95; Turbo C++ Professional is $299.95. Both products are available immediately through major resellers or direct from Borland. Borland will offer Turbo C 2.0 at a reduced price of $99.95. Registered Turbo C customers can take advantage of a special promotional offer and buy Turbo C++ for $79.95, or Turbo C++ Professional for $149.95; registered owners of Turbo C Professional can buy Turbo C++ Professional for $125. There will also be a 60-day introductory pricing offer of $99.95 for Turbo C++ and $179.95 for Turbo C++ Professional. Turbo C++ DiskTutor is a book/disk package designed for C Programmers who want to learn Turbo C++. The $39.95 package, which includes a streamlined compiler, will be released by Osborne/McGraw-Hill this summer. Additional Turbo C++ books and textbooks are scheduled for release this summer from major third-party publishers including Addison-Wesley, M&T Books, Osborne/McGraw-Hill, Que Corporation, Howard W. Sams, Sybex, Tab Books, John Wiley & Sons, and Wordware Publishing. (more) BORLAND SHIPS TURBO C++ Page 4 of 4 Borland International, Inc. (Scotts Valley, Calif.) is a leading developer of high-performance software products. Borland offers some of the world's most widely used business applications and programming software such as Paradox, Quattro Pro, SideKick, object-oriented Turbo Pascal, Turbo C, Turbo C++ and Turbo Debugger & Tools. ###